Pacific Mall - Ghaziabad
Currently running offers at Pacific Mall - Ghaziabad

Pacific Mall - Ghaziabad Stores and Restaurants
Adidas Afsana Amritsari Express Archies B2x : Apple Service Center Bata Bercos Blackberrys Bombay Dyeing Bombay Selections Burger King Burger Singh Cafe Barista Cafe Chennai Cantabil Caprese Chunmun Cobb Colorplus Croma Dominos Emoi Funky Island Gianis Haldirams Havmor Home Centre Hotspot | Hush Puppies Jockey Karims Keventers KFC Kiaasa Kottail Lakshita Levis London Slush Looks Salon Louis Philippe Mad Over Donuts Manyavar Meena Bazaar Metro Shoes Mobiliti World Monte Carlo Moti Mahal Express Movie Max Movie Max Mufti Nazeer Foods New U Octave Oppo Organic India Oswal | O2 Nails India Paislei Pantaloons Peter England Pizza Hut Puma Raymond Reebok Sabhyata Shayan Home Simran Skechers Subway Sweet Universe Swiss Beauty The Yellow Chilli Titan Trends Uttranchali Vaango Van Heusen Vega Vip Voi Jeans Westside World Of Titan Wow Momo Zodiac Zudio |
Pacific Mall - Ghaziabad Details
Currently Running Offers @ Pacific Mall GhaziabadThe Pacific Mall, one of the most widely visited shopping malls in Delhi, is situated in Ghaziabad. It offers all the great apparel brands, exclusive studios of famous designers in Delhi, the IMAX, amusement park, food plaza, the night spot, a corporate center and a star hotel all in one. It also has an atrium and is spacious. With a basement and 3 levels, the Pacific Mall showcases Innumerable retail outlets like Globus, Westside, Spencers, Crosswords, Chunmun, Riu Wears, Rough n Tough, Nike, Addidas, Reebok and Louis Phillipe. They offer a 2 level parking, both basement and first floor. Their food court houses most of the popular food chains with a smart-card payment system. They also have quality restaurants including the Moti Mahal Deluxe. For entertainment, they offer 3-screen Adlabs cinemas along with an IMAX 3D theater.
List of Restaurants in Pacific Mall Ghaziabad:
Amritsari Express, Bercos, Burger King, Burger Singh, Cafe Barista, Cafe Chennai, Dominos, Emoi, Gianis, Haldirams, Havmor, Karims, Keventers, KFC, London Slush, Mad Over Donuts, Moti Mahal Express, Nazeer Foods, Pizza Hut, Subway, Sweet Universe, The Yellow Chilli, Vaango, Wow Momo
Gaming Zone & Entertainment at Pacific Mall Ghaziabad:
Funky Island, Movie Max
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